Highlights of Paul & Janet's Trip to the CBMC Global Convention in Seoul, South Korea
2023 CBMC
World Convention
Seoul, South Korea
But we had a wonderful experience with the vibrant worship of the Korean church!
Yes, we were a bit jet-lagged the first day!
What an awesome place to feel God's presence among His worldwide people!
Packed seats at the Onsari Memorial Fasting & Prayer Mountain Youngsan Center
Many Koreans went out of their way to make us feel welcome! Thankful for Paul Choi's friendship!
Procession of Flags
More than 300 representatives from many nations and regions attended the Global Convention.
CBMC Regions provided updates on their progress.
CBMC Vietnam is thriving under the first woman to be a CBMC regional leader!
We met up the Kondo's, old friends from CBMC Japan!
Greg & Diane Cho, a CBMC network member from Rockville Maryland joined us for the Convention.
Diane took this photo so is not in the picture.
Diane & Janet connected after the conference when we had lunch together with Dave & Cheryl Balinski.
Didn't want you to be worried we forgot to include her!
Watch video clips of worship on YouTube
Watch worship clips on YouTube