2025 Montgomery County MD National Day of Prayer

Montgomery County National Day of Prayer Header Image

Join with other Christians for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 1, 2025, to pray for God to provide His unity and peace in America, Maryland, and Montgomery County. As Christ’s ambassadors in Montgomery County, we pray for the power of God’s Spirit bring renewal and flourishing of Christ’s Kingdom into our homes,workplaces, and communities. Together we’ll pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the people, systems and institutions that give shape to our communities!

  • When: Thursday, May 1, 2025 | 7:30-8:30 AM (Light breakfast available at 6:45 AM)
  • Where: Derwood Bible Church | 16011 Chieftain Ave, Derwood, MD 20855 (see Google map).

REGISTER HERE TO PARTICIPATE (in-person only): https://2025-MOCO-NDP.eventbrite.com
Free Light Breakfast, registration required; donations welcome.

Download a PDF Flyer to share with others:

2025 Theme Verse: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that youwill abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

Prayer Focus Areas

Please join us to pray specifically for:

National Day of Prayer Focus Areas
  • Church Unity: Faithful in preaching God’s word and acts of loving service that reveal God’s love to theworld (John 17:23; Philippians 1:27; Colossians 2:6-8)
  • Healthcare & Mental Health: Prayer for compassion and assistance for our healthcare providers,patients, and caretakers. (Proverbs 4 : 20 – 22 )
  • Education & Media: A safe atmosphere conductive to learning (Psalm 78:5-8), excellence in educators(Exodus 18:20-21), equal opportunities for every student to achieve their full potential (Philippians 1:9)
  • Family: Unity and love in individual families that is characterized by hospitality toward others (Romans12:9-13; Hebrews 13:2)
  • Government Leaders: Prayer for righteousness, justice, and wisdom for our Public Servants and for thepublic good. (I Timothy 2:1-2; Ecclesiastes 5:8-9)
  • Military, First Responders and Veterans: Prayer for those providing security to our nation andcommunities (Romans 13:3-4), and resilience for those in harm’s way (Psalm 27:1-3).
  • Business & Government Workplaces: Prayer for economic stability, societal flourishing, and equity forour workers for the good of our communities. (Jeremiah 29:7; Psalm 132:15), and Christian workers todisplay Christ-like humility and service to their co-workers (Philippians 2:3).

2025 Montgomery County National Day of Prayer Partners:

  • A+ Christian Educators United
  • Career Confidence (career-confidence.org)
  • CBMC – Christian Business Men’s Connection (md.cbmc.com)
  • Christian Medical & Dental Associations (https://cmda.org/)
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (mocomdfca.org)
  • Hombres de Palabra (hombresdepalabra.org)
  • International Students, Inc. (https://internationalstudents.org/)
  • Love In the Name of Christ of Montgomery County (loveincmoco.org)
  • Maryland Family Institute (https://marylandfamily.org/)
  • Moms in Prayer – Montgomery County (momsinprayer.org)
  • National Hispanic Pastors’ Alliance (www.nahpa.us)
  • Pastors Wives of America (pastorswivesofamerica.org/)
  • Santo Outreach Ministry (www.santooutreachministry.org)
  • United in Action (www.unitedinaction.net)
  • Washington Area Coalition of Men’s Ministries (www.wacmm.org)
  • Young Life Montgomery County (montgomerycounty.younglife.org)
  • AND YOU!

What is the National Day of Prayer?

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman . Since the first call to prayer in1775, when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, the call to prayer has continued through our history, including President Lincoln’s proclamation of a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863. In 1952, a joint resolution by Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual National Day of Prayer. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May. Each year, the president signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day, and all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories sign similar proclamations.

Learn more at:

P.B. Dye Fellowship Breakfast April 16, 2025

Join CBMC Maryland and Frederick FCA for Breakfast, Fellowship, and to hear from Matthew Tyner, NCAA Division I Coach for Baseball at Towson University and former minor league baseball player in the Baltimore Orioles system.

When: April 16, 2025 | 7:00am to 8:00am
Where: The Club at P.B. Dye (9526 Dr Perry Rd, Ijamsville, MD 21754)

We are excited that our next fellowship breakfast at The Club at PB Dye on April 16th from 7:00am to 8:00am will feature Matt Tyner, current Head Coach of Towson University’s Baseball program and former professional baseball player in the Baltimore Orioles system. This event is held in partnership by CBMC Maryland and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Frederick County.

This event is free and open to all (men & women)to attend. Cash and check donations are accepted and will help send athletes to FCA Camps. Register today at: www.frederickfca.org/fellowship

About our speaker

Matt Tyner photoMatthew Tyner is a motivational speaker, sports coach, and author who values faith, character, perseverance, and empowerment. As the Head Coach of Towson University’s Baseball program and a former minor league baseball player in the Baltimore Orioles system, he brings an uncanny perspective on sports and faith. Matthew’s commitment, hard work, and determination to get to the playing field of baseball as his ticket out led him down paths of destruction and eventual redemption in baseball and his faith. 

As a lifelong player and coach, he has spent countless hours on the field. He finds the field his second home surrounded by teammates, coaches, and players. He shares his battlefield-tested observations and experiences to help people and organizations garner the best from those struggling to reach their untapped potential. Matthew teaches that coaching is as much about living your best version of yourself as it is playing the game.

Matthew has established a reputation for kindness and an attitude of excellence and sportsmanship. He has inspired coaches and players around the US to be well-rounded citizens on and off the field. He is a loving family man who exhibits humility, kindness, and generosity. He is more than a coach but a leader who teaches, develops, inspires, and mentors hundreds of young men and women. He has played for the University of Miami and the Baltimore Orioles and coached at Towson University, The University of Richmond, Bellarmine University, and Butler University.

He learned the value of hard work and commitment at an early age growing up in Decatur, IL. He was the oldest of three children born to a broken family and endured a parent struggling with substance abuse. His

hard work and dedication to live substance-free saved not only his life but the life of his family. Matthew is the father of two grown children and 3 beautiful grandchildren, He was lovingly married to his late wife Laura for 29 years before she succumbed to cancer in 2020.

Matt has published his memoir Fast & Hard, Addictions to Redemption. Matt is currently an NCAA Division I Head Baseball Coach for Towson University. He also owns MLT Sports Investments, LLC, is a managing partner of Collegiate Academic Golf Showcases (CAGS), LLC, and is a professional motivational speaker for Tyner Effect (www.Tynereffect.com). His educational background includes undergraduate studies at the University of Miami and his bachelor’s degree in Business Communications from Concordia University, Indianapolis, IN Campus. He also carries a PhD in Common Sense!

“Love As A Management Practice” – New Series

CBMC has developed a new discussion guide for Connect3 teams, based on the book, “Love As A Management Practice” by John Johnson, that applies the principles of 1 Corinthians 13 to our daily work life. This new group study is now available on CBMC Advance (free with login). This will equip you to serve others with strength and compassion!

A laywer, seeking to test Jesus, asked: “Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest? ” He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” Matthew 22:35-40 (CSB).

John Johnson writes: “Clearly, God considers our love – for Himself and for one another– of great importance. Not one of these passages suggests, “except in the marketplace,” so we have every reason to believe that love – in the biblical understanding of the word – is just as important where we work as anywhere else.” In this study on the principles of 1 Corinthians 13, we will learn from God’s word how love works and why it works in a workplace context.

CBMC Montgomery County meetings are held on Tuesday mornings at the Village Green Restaurant, 120 N Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, from 6:45-8:00 am. Please join us if you’d like to connect with a community of Christian business and professional men who want to see you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Please contact info(AT)mococbmc.org if you would like to participate.

CBMC National Men’s Conference Oct 3-5

The Christian Business Men’s Connection will hold the first CBMC National Men’s Conference in 25 years. Plan to join us on October 3rd – 5th, 2024, in Saint Louis MO, for an empowering conference that will explore what a “Man called by GOD!” looks like. Sign up today and be part of something amazing! 

One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Owen Strachan, is the author of “The War on Men – Why Society Hates Them and Why We Need Them” and the Senior Director of the Dobson Culture Center. He will lead an engaging discussion on the current state of men and how we can fulfill our God-given purpose to live an empowered life through Jesus.

Check out this short video on Facebook on his keynote topics: https://fb.watch/tJ6NcrnAzv/.

You absolutely don’t want to miss this life-changing event. You can secure your spot today and join a supportive community of men committed to strengthening their faith and positively impacting their personal lives, careers, and communities.

2024 Montgomery County MD National Day of Prayer – May 2, 2024

Join other Christians for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 2, 2024, to pray for God to provide His unity and peace in America, Maryland, and Montgomery County. As Christ’s ambassadors in Montgomery County, we pray for the power of God’s Spirit bring renewal and flourishing of Christ’s Kingdom into our homes, workplaces, and communities. Together we’ll pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the people, systems and institutions that give shape to our communities!

Location:  Inter-Denominational Church of God
19201 Woodfield Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 6:45-8:15 AM
Doors open at 6:45 AM for breakfast.
Program will start at 6:55 AM.

Free Light Breakfast, registration required
donations welcome

  • Church Unity: Faithful in preaching God’s word and acts of loving service that reveal God’s love to the world (John 17:23; Philippians 1:27; Colossians 2:6-8
  • Healthcare & Mental Health: Prayer for compassion and assistance for our healthcare providers, patients, and caretakers. (Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭20‬-‭22‬
  • Education & Media: A safe atmosphere conductive to learning (Psalm 78:5-8), excellence in educators (Exodus 18:20-21), equal opportunities for every student to achieve their full potential (Philippians 1:9
  • Family: Unity and love in individual families that is characterized by hospitality toward others (Romans 12:9-13; Hebrews 13:2
  • Government Leaders: Prayer for righteousness, justice, and wisdom for our Public Servants and for the public good. (I Timothy 2:1-2; Ecclesiastes 5:8-9
  • Military, First Responders and Veterans: Prayer for those providing security to our nation and communities (Romans 13:3-4), and resilience for those in harm’s way (Psalm 27:1-3).  
  • Business: Prayer for economic stability, societal flourishing, and equity for our workers for the good of our communities. (Jeremiah 29:7; Psalm 132:15), and Christian workers to display Christ-like humility and service to their co-workers (Philippians 2:3).
  • A+ Christian Educators United
  • Career Confidence (career-confidence.org)
  • CBMC – Christian Business Men’s Connection (md.cbmc.com)
  • Christian Medical & Dental Associations (https://cmda.org/)
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (mocomdfca.org)
  • Hombres de Palabra (hombresdepalabra.org)
  • International Students, Inc. (https://internationalstudents.org/)
  • Love In the Name of Christ of Montgomery County (loveincmoco.org)
  • Moms in Prayer – Montgomery County (momsinprayer.org)
  • National Hispanic Pastors’ Alliance (www.nahpa.us)
  • Pastors Wives of America (pastorswivesofamerica.org/)
  • Santo Outreach Ministry (www.santooutreachministry.org)
  • United in Action (www.unitedinaction.net)
  • Washington Area Coalition of Men’s Ministries (www.wacmm.org)
  • Young Life Montgomery County (montgomerycounty.younglife.org)

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Since the first call to prayer in 1775, when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, the call to prayer has continued through our history, including President Lincoln’s proclamation of a day of ”humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863. In 1952, a joint resolution by Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual National Day of Prayer. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May. Each year, the president signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. Last year, all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories signed similar proclamations.

EVENT CONTACT: Paul Schomburg – Email: [email protected]; Cell: 240-486-1636

2023 CBMC World Convention Report

2023 CBMC World Convention

The CBMC Global Family came together for encouraging speakers, intensive training, wonderful worship, powerful times of prayer and fellowship at the Youngsan Center, Osanri Memorial Prayer & Fasting Mountain, in Seoul, South Korea. Here are some highlights from our time there.

Keynote: Chris Simpson, CBMC International

Leadership Coach Training – March 11, 2023

Our next training begins on March 11th followed by 8 weeks of peer-to-peer coaching practice teleclasses. Download a PDF flyer here: East-Region-LCT-Flyer

For more background, please watch the following video from the Leadership Coach Training discovery session held on January 14. Information and registration: https://2023EastRegion-LCT.eventbrite.com

This video provides a preview of the Coach Training that will start on March 11, 2023.

Scott Newcomer’s introduction is followed by a short testimony from Rob Korkuch a New Jersey owner of a Civil Engineering Company, to share how has impacted his business and personal life.

Dr Roger Erdvig provides an overview of Leadership Coaching:

  • What Coaching is and what it is not and then uses for Coaching in a personal, ministry, and business context.
  • How Coaching develops those around you
  • Dr Roger Erdvig does a 1:1 coaching demonstration with Jim Tyson the new CBMC Area Director for Central Pennsylvania.

Chuck Whitmore talks about the March 11th Class being held in Port Deposit, MD at the Donaldson Brown Center (Univ of MD) and how the following 8 wks. of practical training and practice works.

2022 Montgomery County National Day of Prayer

Please join together in prayer on Thursday, May 5, 2022, asking for God to provide unity and peace for His world, the United States, the State of Maryland, and Montgomery County.

Date and time: Thursday, May 5, 2022 | 6:45 AM – 8:15 AM EDT

Location: Neighborhood Church

16501 Redland Road, Rockville, MD 20855 (see map) – Close to Shady Grove Metro

Please join with other followers of Jesus to pray for the Glory of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit during this time of national and global crisis. As Christ’s ambassadors, we pray for our community to be rooted and built up in Christ.

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:6-7 (NLT)

Together we’ll pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the people, systems and institutions that give shape to our communities—including our healthcare providers, families, teachers, first responders, public servants, businesses, vulnerable neighbors and more! Please join us to pray:

  • Church: Unity with and among churches that reveal God’s love to the world (John 17:23)
  • Healthcare: As we recover from this Pandemic, continued prayer for compassion and assistance for our healthcare providers, patients and care-takers. (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)
  • Education: Prayer for a safe atmosphere conductive to learning and equal opportunities for every student to achieve their full potential. (Philippians 1:9)
  • Family: Unity and love in individual families that reach out in hospitality toward others (Romans 12:9-13)
  • Government Leaders: Prayer for righteousness, justice and wisdom for our Public Servants. (Ecclesiastes 5:8-9)
  • Military, First Responders and Veterans: Prayer for those providing security to our nation and communities, and resiliance for wounded warriors. (1 Peter 2:13-14)
  • Business: Prayer for economic recovery and equity for our workers & businesses for the good of our communities. (Jeremiah 29:7)

Download Full Agenda

Montgomery County National Day of Prayer Partners:

Special thanks to Neighborhood Church for hosting our first in-person prayer gathering in two years!

EVENT CONTACT: Paul Schomburg – Email: [email protected]; Cell: 240-486-1636

CBMC Leadership Coach Training

CBMC Leadership Coach Training

Dr. Roger C. S. Erdvig

The Eastern Region of CBMC (PA, NJ, DE, MD) will be hosting the next CBMC Coach training session.

CBMC is providing this valuable Coach Training Education to enable you to better help people grow and develop them as leaders. These sessions will be conducted live with the developer and original presenter, Dr. Roger Erdvig. This is your opportunity to invite a friend to explore the coach training for themselves.

To learn more about the value of coaching, please watch this discovery session that was held on March 12:

What is Leadership Coaching?

Christian coaching is a one-to-one, structured relationship in which two people partner for growth, change and forward-moving progress. CBMC Leadership Coach Training consists of one day of Interactive Classroom Training plus eight weekly assisted peer to peer coach training exercises for certification (via conf call).


  • Based on professional coaching standards, CBMC produced customized leadership coach training In partnership with the Center for Coaching Excellence.
  • CBMC Coach Training is Christ-centered and designed for a one-on-one relationship where you partner for growth, change, and forward moving progress to:
    • Explore and clarify personal and professional values
    • Wrestle through life and leadership challenges
    • Hear from God, and wrestle through life and leadership challenges
  • Improve your ‘Leading’ at home, work and church:
    • For Changed Relationships
    • For Improved Impact and Results
    • Create specific action plans for pursuing dreams

Register today for the April 9th Class!

Location of Wilmington Christian School:

825 Loveville Rd – Google Maps

Driving time from Gaithersburg or Frederick Maryland is about 2 hours. Car pooling is an option.