Communal Reading of Scripture

In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul encourages us to devote ourselves to the public reading of Scripture. After the Israelites escaped slavery and when they entered the Promised Land, they came together to hear God’s law. In Deuteronomy, God commands that the entire law be read every seven years for all of the Israelites to hear. Even in the New Testament, we find Jesus reading Scripture aloud in the synagogue. Public reading of Scripture was a reminder of God’s law and his faithfulness. It also brought God’s people together in community.

Reading the Bible aloud with a group of people is an ancient practice. In fact, the origins of the Bible are deeply rooted in it being read aloud in public. The Bible Project provides a facinating look into the origins and development of this biblical topic, and how it offers us a model for engaging the Scriptures in our own day.

Our Montgomery County CBMC team meets weekly to encourage each other spiritually and to practically pursue the disciple-making work of the Great Commission — meeting men where they are and and helping one another to become the men that God intends us to be.  We seek God’s wisdom and direction in life by reading the Bible together, discussing how it impacts our life and mission, and praying for each other.

Our group is for men only but open to all – please come and join us!

CBMC Presents: Dave Brown, Washington Coalition of Men’s Ministries – Jan. 29

Dave Brown

Please join us this Tuesday, January 29, from 6:45-8:00 AM in the community room at the Einstein Bagel at 531 Firstfield Road and Quince Orchard Blvd in Gaithersburg to hear Dave’s perspective on today’s culture and the issue of masculine identity.

In his blog, Authentice Manhood, Dave writes about the way we find our masculine identity in Jesus Christ:

Masculinity is in crisis mode. The signs are everywhere. Men are confused and wavering. The stats on fatherlessness are alarming and growing. So is the sexual violence that seems to be aired everywhere. Everyone is pointing out symptoms or pointing fingers. I want to point to something else. I want to point to a door that has been opened. Men are predisposed to figure things out for themselves. But manhood resists all attempts to be figured out that way. 
To enter it, a man must do something very different. He must learn to receive. He must let Himself be given three priceless gifts, ones he cannot earn, work for, or prove himself worthy of. They come as graces given in his time of need.
[These three priceless gifts] come from the One described as the indescribable gift, Jesus Himself. He took 12 men and gave them those three gifts: an identity in Him, a quest to build His kingdom, and a promise to be their guide through it all. They entered manhood this way. They became men like Him, chiseled into His image. Read More

DID GILLETTE GET IT RIGHT? Recently Gillette introduced an ad, “We Beilieve: The Best Men Can Be” – Gillette: “Bullying. Harassment. Is this the best a man can get? It’s only by challenging ourselves to do more, that we can get closer to our best. To say the right thing, to act the right way.”
Gillette has been bombarded with both praise and abuse after launching an advertising campaign promoting a new kind of positive masculinity. Engaging with the #MeToo movement, the company’s new advertising campaign plays on its 30-year tagline “The best a man can get”, replacing it with “The best men can be”. This has tapped a nerve in our society and raised some controversy.

Dave Brown is the Director and Pastor-at-Large of the Washington Area Coalition of Men’s Ministries (WACMM), a non-profit, non-denominational ministry to develop and encourage ministries to men in the mid-Atlantic region. Founded in 1999, WACMM is one of the oldest and largest coalitions of local men’s ministries in the nation.

Dave served thirty years in the Federal Government holding senior policy and management positions in the U.S. Congress, the Executive Office of the President and the Executive Branch, where he was a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES). From 1981-1989, he served as an appointee of President Ronald Reagan. Since 2001, Dave has served in pastoral roles in churches in our area, and currently serves on the leadership team of OneHeartDC.

Why Pray? Montgomery County National Day of Prayer Breakfast, May 3, 2018

“For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility.” Ephesians 2:14

The Christian community will join in prayer on Thursday, May 3, 2018, asking for God to provide unity and his peace in America, Maryland and Montgomery County. As Christ’s ambassadors in Montgomery County, we ask for the power of God’s Spirit bring renewal and flourishing of Christ’s Kingdom into our homes, workplaces, and communities.

WHERE: The breakfast will be held at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre (Lower Level Social Hall), 603 Edmonston Drive, Rockville, MD 20851.
WHEN: Thursday, May 3, 2018, 6:30 to 8:00 AM (Program starts at 6:50 AM).
COST: Free, donation of any amount for breakfast accepted. (Any excess of funds over cost will be donated to a ministry in Montgomery County).

All are welcome! Please invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us.

Why gather together to pray?

  • God calls us to Pray for Everyone: 1 Timothy 2:1-2 “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
  • God calls us to answer Jesus’ prayer for unity in the church: John 17:21 – “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
  • God promises to answer His peoples’ prayer: 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


But what should we pray about?  For everyone and every need (Eph 6:18)!  Specific prayers will be made for:

  • Prayer for unity under God in our nation and throughout the body of Christ.
    • Montgomery County is one of the most diverse counties in the nation. It should be obvious that racial tensions and social unrest have not been eliminated in our nation in the 50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King’s death.
    • We need to pray for God’s grace and wisdom to help us to carry out the ministry of reconcilliation with God (2 Cor. 5:18-19) and each other (Eph. 2:14-16).
  • Prayer for the safety and well-being of our Teachers, Students, and Families
    • In the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting, there were just 25 public mass shootings in which four or more people were killed. Since then, the number has risen dramatically, and many of the deadliest shootings have occurred within the past few years. This rise in shootings reflects the breakdown of the family and its impact on youth.
  • Prayer for wisdom and courage for our Government Leaders and Public Servants; First Responders and Veterans
    • Our Federal, State and Local government leaders are facing many challenges from national security, immigration to budgeting and fiscal policy.
    • In 2017, 46 officers were fatally shot in the line of duty, but more than triple that — 140 — committed suicide. A study from the Ruderman Family Foundation indicates that “Suicides left more police officers and firefighters dead last year than all line-of-duty deaths combined.”
  • Prayer for flourishing and integrity of our Workers & Business leaders for the good of our communities
    • American businesses are made up of people, and without a foundations of ethics and morals found in the Bible, we’ll continue to see people lie, cheat, steal, and oppress others.
    • Business also has the ability and talent to make significant contributions to the social welfare and economic flourishing of our country.
  • Prayer for compassion and assistance for our Poor, Vulnerable and Oppressed
    • The national spending on entitlement programs is about to experience a huge demographic shift and will run out of funding if reforms are not put in place. Christians can pray for and support organizations that provide assistance to those who slip through the safety net.


Christians are the answer to the prayers needs of our nation. That’s why Jesus sends us to make disciples.

  • Our keynote speaker, Dr. Joel Freeman served as mentor/chaplain for the NBA Washington Bullets/Wizards for 19 years (1979-’98). Although he was a Caucasian Canadian, he learned to relate to all the members of the team. Over the past decade, Joel has combined his entrepreneurial skills and love for history to conduct extensive research into African American history and culture. Dr. Joel Freeman is an in-demand speaker nationwide and brings a rich reservoir of personal experience blended with contagious enthusiasm, clarity and down to earth humor to empower people from diverse walks of life.
  • Joel’s keynote address will challenge us to put our prayers into action, following in Jesus’ steps by loving God with all our heart, soul, strength and minds, and our neighbor as ourselves. [Matt. 22:37-39]

Praying for America personally, in your church, and in a National Day of Prayer observance on Thursday, May 3, is a responsibility of each Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ. If you can’t join us in person, this video tool is a way to pray for our country. Use it personally between now and the National Day of Prayer. Use it in your church worship services before or after May 3. Use it in an observance of the National Day of Prayer.

2018 National Prayer For America from Cross Church on Vimeo.

CBMC Presents: Donald Boyd – Work As Worship – Dec. 19th

Work As Worship Retreat:

As business leaders, you may be facing many challenges in today’s culture. Every day you are being the church as you work and lead in the community. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who might not otherwise set foot in a church. In fact, some business leaders have more non-believers walk through their doors in one week than might visit a church in a year.

But it can be easy to lose sight of how our faith intersects with our role as a business leader. We’re excited to partner with First Baptist Rockville to be a launching pad to encourage and validate business leaders in your community.

Donald Boyd is Education Pastor at First Baptist Church of Rockville, where he’s responsible for ministering and overseeing Growth Groups (aka Sunday Schools), Small Groups and Education programs. Please join us this Tuesday, December 19from 6:45-8:00 AM to hear Don provide a preview of the Work as Worship Retreat that First Baptist Rockville will hosting on February 23.

The Work as Worship Retreat will include speaking from some great teachers and business leaders. Pastor Matt Chandler will teach on the biblical perspective of work and what God expects of us. Joel Manby, CEO of Seaworld, will speak on the importance of servant leadership. Patrick Lencioni, the New York Times Best-Selling Author of books like 5 Dysfunctions of a Team will also be a keynote speaker. You can learn more at

On February 23, join thousands of business leaders across the country for a full 1-day retreat to hear from experts, be encouraged, and discuss how to connect your faith and work. The simulcast of this event will be hosted locally by First Baptist Rockville. The event will start at 8:30 AM and conclude at 3:30 PM. Registration is only $25 online.

Work is Worship from Missional Marketing on Vimeo.

Kelly Wright’s Beyond the Dream: Legacy Minded Men

Kelly Wright PortraitKelly Wright of Fox News Channel will be the keynote speaker at the Montgomery County Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 4, the National Day of Prayer. Kelly was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Sponsors at Morehouse College for his “Beyond the Dream” series. Beyond The Dream is a continuing feature series that seeks to inspire people to live their best lives now. It focuses on ordinary people who have made extraordinary contributions to society and culture.

In this video clip, Kelly Wright interviews a group of ‘Legacy Minded Men’ who reach out brother-to-brother to help men help their children.

This is a story that Kelly relates to: He was born in Hagerstown MD, and raised by a single mother. in addition to his reporting career, is an ordained minister and Gospel Recording Artist. He encourages people through his passionate preaching good news in a bad news world. In his book, America’s Hope, Kelly candidly discusses politics, racism, and the role of faith in a world that’s increasingly more cynical. Kelly’s life story is inspirational and he can now declare how the Lord has blessed and turned around his life.

Please join us to pray for the God to bless and bring flourishing to Montgomery County. The breakfast will be held at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre (Lower Level Social Hall), 603 Edmonston Drive, Rockville, MD 20851, on Thursday, May 5, 2017, 6:30 to 8:00 AM (Program starts at 6:50 AM). RSVP here:

CBMC Presents: Uesin Kim, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

CBMC has a vision to connect men in the marketplace with the next generation of leaders in order to carry out our mission of developing effective Ambassadors in the Marketplace to saturate the local marketplace with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  One of our strategies  is to develop relationships with campus ministry leaders so that the students under their care may be exposed to a ministry that will enable them to continue to equip and support students as they transition from college to the marketplace.

Please come and invite a friend to join us this Tuesday, January 17, to hear Uesin Kim, John Hopkins InterVarsity Christian Fellowship share how CBMC is helping reach and disciple university students make the transition to a career:

InterVaristy Chrsitian Fellowiship logoUesin Kim of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, at John Hopkins University, will share the vision and mission that God gave him to minister to the undergraduate students at JHU.  He is particularly called to reach the men on campus and has some ideas for us at CBMC to reach the Millennials. He is currently raising support so that he will be able to be on campus full time.

We’ll also be joined by Chuck Whitmore, Area Director for CBMC Maryland.  Chuck will share CBMC’s experience working with campus ministries.  Hear more from CBMC Maryland on their vision for bringing Christ to men in the marketplace here:

Uesin Kim photoUesin Kim is the Campus Staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University and the Associate Pastor at Gallery Church SoWeBo (a multiethnic church in inner city southwest Baltimore). He is passionate about cross cultural relationships/ministry, racial reconciliation, and developing the next generation of Christians to build God’s kingdom here on earth. He lives in southwest Baltimore city with his beautiful wife Sara.

Hopkins Christian Fellowship (HCF) strives to be an inter-denominational, multi-ethnic community of students learning together what it means to follow Jesus at Hopkins and receive his abundant life.

HCF is a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, whose vision is…

  • To see students and faculty transformed,
  • campuses renewed,
  • and world changers developed.

Mark Whitacre Speaking at Derwood Bible Church

When: Sunday, March 6 – 10:00 AM Service
Where: Derwood Bible Church, 16011 Chieftain Ave, Derwood, MD 20855

MarkWhitacreCBMC National Spokesman Mark Whitacre
will be speaking at Derwood Bible Church on Sunday March 6, for their main service beginning at 10am.  I would encourage you to bring your family and/or friends to hear his inspiring story of how God used a faithful man to change his life.

Mark Whitacre is an Ivy League Ph.D. and is the highest-ranked executive of a Fortune 500 company to ever become a whistleblower in US history. But much more importantly, a businessman (Ian Howes) from CBMC reached out to Mark almost 2 decades ago in 1997 during a very dark period in Mark’s life, when Mark was about to enter federal prison as part of the historic ADM case. Ian discipled Mark through Operation Timothy (OT), and planted a seed in Mark’s heart that changed Mark’s life forever. A story of hope, redemption, and 2nd chances. Mark is Marketplace Ambassador for CBMC and feels strongly that there is nothing more important than being a witness for Jesus, and the need to build spiritual reproducers as Jesus has commanded of all of us. Please see a video that highlights Mark’s story below.

Mark will share his story of God’s grace and challenge hearers to follow God calls us to be Marketplace Ambassadors for Christ.  Being a disciple of Christ means believing and acting on what the Bible says about God, work, and life, and then sharing that truth with others in a life-on-life relationship. Jesus calls all Christians to do this in Matthew 28:18-20.  At CBMC we strive to encourage individuals to get connected with Christ, to stay connected with other men in order to help them grow in their faith, and connect to the cause of the gospel. Being strong in faith empowers men to share with others the good news of Jesus Christ in the marketplace and to live godly lives. By fulfilling God’s purpose in their lives, men become a light to those around them by operating at a higher level of moral character and integrity and thus change the world around them.

No man can do all of this alone, so join the men of Derwood and CBMC to make a difference to the men in your sphere of influence.  CBMC developed Operation Timothy, a unique program of Bible study designed primarily for one-on-one discipleship, in 1970. Since then It has become a vital tool for helping men along the path to spiritual maturity and equipping them to share their faith and to disciple others. In 2015, CBMC launched the Marketplace Ambassador Advancement System designed to equip and empower men to become effective ambassadors for Christ in the marketplace (a.k.a. Marketplace Ambassadors).  This free online resource was developed because technology is changing the way men work and learn and today’s expectation is that relevant content will be delivered digitally on all platforms.

Please come to a CBMC reception with Mark Whitacre after the service at Derwood Bible Church.  The reception will be held in the sanctuary room in the old church building.

“A Story of Redemption” Mark Whitacre, the rest of the story

“A Story of Redemption” Mark Whitacre, the rest of the story from CBMC on Vimeo.

Your Church is Only As Good As Its Disciples (Jon Tyson)

Your church is only as good as it’s disciples. If that is true, then what is the most effective method for discipleship in the world right now and what can we learn from it? Jon Tyson explains in this short video.

Disciple-making is not just a curriculum or program that teaches information, but it is receiving intimate counsel from someone who is mature in Christ. Making requires “life on life” relationships that help provide support, encouragement and accountability. Churches that thrive in making disciples have a culture that encourages individual members to be involved in life on life relationships.

CBMC MA LogoThe Christian Business Men’s Connection ( has tools and training to help with this. For an overview, see CBMC’s “Marketplace Ambassador Initiative” at: This initiative focuses on encouraging men to commit to becoming disciple-makers in their workplace or sphere of influence.

CBMC’s Operation Timothy provides a framework for life-on-life discipleship. Operation Timothy and is based on the Apostle Paul’s relationship with Timothy (1 & 2 Timothy). It’s highly relational and involves tremendous personal growth for you (Timothy) and your instructor (Paul). Recently, CBMC has launched an electronic version “eOT” that is available free at along with other tools.

CBMC Marketplace Ambassador Launch Gathering – October 2

CBMC Maryland will be holding a Marketplace Ambassador launch on Friday October 2 with testimony by Mark Whitacre and a dinner that evening. There is no charge for event, but registration is required.


  • bring together ALL followers of Christ in our business community,
  • stand and pray together for spiritual transformation,
  • encourage each other to live as effective Marketplace Ambassadors for Christ.

What you’ll gain:  At this event you’ll meet and be encouraged by other Christian men whom want to be effective Marketplace Ambassadors for Christ.  You’ll also receive information on CBMC’s Marketplace Ambassador Advancement System. This free resource is designed to equip and empower individuals and teams to become effective ambassadors for Christ in the marketplace (a.k.a. Marketplace Ambassadors). The Marketplace Ambassador Advancement System will provide media rich interactive resources that equip individuals to live out the attributes of effective ambassadors for Christ in the marketplace. Current components that are now available free with sign-up include:

  • Operation Timothy – eOT is a 21stcentury digital discipleship resource designed for one-on-one or small groups. This extraordinary tool for discipling new or growing believers was first introduced in 1970 and is designed to fulfill the mandate to “make disciples” in The Great Commission.
  • LivingProof – LivingProof 2014 is a reality-based video series demonstrating how to share the gospel while living a natural, winsome and Bible-centered lifestyle.
  • The Attributes – By purposefully resolving to live out the 10 Attributes of an Ambassador, we can become the Marketplace Ambassadors that God calls us to be.
  • CBMC TV – Video from national conferences that provide training, inspiration and encouragement.

MarkWhitacreAbout our Speaker
: Mark Whitacre an Ivy League Ph.D. and the highest-ranked executive of any Fortune 500 company to become a whistleblower in US history. He was responsible for uncovering the ADM price-fixing scandal in the early 1990’s.  His undercover work with the FBI during the ADM scandal was the inspiration for the major motion picture, “The Informant,” starring Matt Damon.  Mark Whitacre is now a Marketplace Ambassador for CBMC, an organization that has impacted his life greatly the past two decades.

For more background on the Marketplace Ambassador movement, please see these two video featuring Mark Whitacre:

CBMC Presents: Nate Timm Montgomery County FCA

FCA LogoThe Fellowship of Christian Athletes‘ vision is to impact the world for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. The Montgomery County area currently has 3 staff with a presence at 25 local schools, a growing ministry to area coaches, and sports camps to help local athletes grow in their faith and sport.

Please come and invite a friend to join us this Tuesday, August 18, to hear Nate Timm, FCA Area Director for Montgomery County describe how God is using FCA’s ministry to make disciples in our public schools for Jesus Christ through the influence of student athletes and coaches.

  • When:  Tuesday, August 18, 6:45-8:00 AM.  Our group time starts at 7:00 AM sharp, but we request that you arrive by 6:45 AM to allow time to get your bagel & coffee and spend some time to catching up with each other.
  • Where:  The Community Room at the Einstein Bagel on Firstfield Road & Quince Orchard Blvd in Gaithersburg MD.

Montgomery County FCA Area Director, Nathan Timm, started running cross country and track during his time at Marion High School in Marion, Illinois.

Nate Timm FCAHe went on to run cross country and track at Florida State University. Nathan came to know Christ through FCA during his freshman year. After graduating from Florida State in 2004, Timm started teaching English and coaching at Magruder High School. During his nine year tenure at Magruder, the Colonels set over 90 school records in cross country, indoor track, and outdoor track. Several of his athletes went on to compete at the collegiate level. In the fall of 2013, he started teaching and coaching at Parkland Magnet Middle School where he was an English teacher, cross country coach, and one of the FCA Huddle Coaches. In May of 2014, he came on staff as a part-time Area Representative for FCA Endurance.

After eleven years of teaching and coaching in the spring of 2015, Nathan felt a strong call to come on staff full-time. He now serves as the area director for the Montgomery County Fellowship of Christian Athletes.


FCA has changed Nathan’s life in many ways, but most importantly helped him grown in his relationship with Christ. He has a passion to share the love of Christ with the coaches and athletes of Montgomery County through the ministry of FCA.

Nathan and his wife Lisa reside in Montgomery Village with their two sons; Brady and Josiah.